Alissa Graunke


My soul’s journey has been working through lessons of separation on every level in this particular realm, and I have been through, and continue to move through, some TRENCHES. I am still walking and learning on this path, and believe we are all on our own timelines of learning and experiencing. I have personally felt so much pain, confusion, anger, and loneliness having to pick up the pieces of my heart again and again as I tried to find long-lasting love. I dated guys who couldn’t commit, guys who used me to cheat or to “get back” at an ex (I found that out more than once), guys who cheated on me, guys who ghosted, guys who lied to me, and narcissistically-tended guys who emotionally abused me. I couldn’t seem to find anyone who could just love and accept me exactly how I am.

One day, I was just done with feeling so crummy about myself, hopeless, and lonely. I had an inkling that I was going to have to drastically change how I viewed love and relationships because I was painfully aware I was the common denominator in all these dating & relationship experiences. I didn’t know what I didn’t know, so I hired my first coach. That process changed my life forever.

I don’t call myself an expert, but I do feel called to share what I have learned because too many of my beautiful sisters are struggling with similar stories. Everything is energy, and everything contains a relationship of both masculine and feminine energy to exist. That means that within you, there is masculine and feminine energy, and this is the most important relationship to understand, heal, and integrate. That will then facilitate your ability to be in a human romantic partnership with someone else who has also done their own work to understand and balance their own internal masculine-feminine energetics.

This is sacred work — necessary if we want to keep moving our collective consciousness towards greater awakening and less separation from ourselves, from others, and our planetary home. I’m passionate about helping other women find love in their lives through reconnection to their innate authenticity, and an uncompromising commitment to self-growth, and I’m honored you’re here and considering me as a potential guide.

Since 2016, I have been working with women who are highly motivated, successful, and empathetic who have all found greater satisfaction in the dating process, commitments to long-term relationships, and/or marriage.

I am a certified coach through SHFT, an industry-recognized program that carries the stamp of approval by the rigorous ICF (International Coaching Federation). My training combines several evidence-based techniques, grounded in adaptive therapeutic change technique, goal setting theory, the science of positive psychology, and much more. I am theoretically, relationally and ethically qualified walk this part of your path with you.

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

— Lucille Ball