Feel the Love.

  • Alissa is the best coach I have ever had. She is relatable, funny, "real", intelligent, and extremely resourceful. I often felt as if she was the friend I always needed in my life. Someone who isn't afraid to hold your hand through the tough stuff. (I know it is her job to do so, but you can tell she really cares for her clients). Alissa helped me through all the ick that came with deciding to end a long-term relationship, and I know that I am much better equipped now to know what to look for and how to build something strong from the get-go next time. For that, I am beyond grateful for her.

    -Katie F.

  • When I started working with Alissa, my heart was broken. Both my divorce and the relationship I had after my divorce that unexpectedly ended, left me feeling vulnerable, powerless and victimized. I was grasping at straws to help me feel better as I had been totally rocked off my center. Consistently using the tools I've learned, I have come out the other side with HOPE! I am so grateful for what I do have, what I have learned, and I consciously choose to spend my time with the things that bring me joy. I feel I can successfully deal with challenges and negativity when they crop up. Awareness is the key! This helps me to feel EXCITED about dating again rather than TERRIFIED!!! I can hold myself. I can follow my intuition and read the red flags and be selective about who I let into my heart. I don't have to wear my heart on my sleeve. I can remain open hearted, and compassionate without sacrificing my self worth to be with someone.

    — Lisa P.

  • Coaching really opened up my mind to so much. There was so much great information I learned while working with Alissa. The gratitude and appreciation I have for myself has changed my attitude towards everything in my life. Every day, I remind myself I AM GOOD ENOUGH! ​ Spiritually, I'm becoming more knowing and sensing when something is right or wrong for me, and I’m trusting my intuition more than ever before. Plus, a lot of what I’ve learned I am going to pass on to my 21 year old daughter so she doesn’t make the same mistakes I did in relationships. Thank you so so much! I know and trust now that it’s simply a matter of time when (not if) my soulmate comes into my life.

    -Nicky K.

  • I sought out professional coaching to help me uncover why my romantic relationships weren’t working. My work relationships and friendships were successful and aligned with who I am, but when it came to romantic relationships, I was dating men who were nice enough, and looked good on paper, but these relationships always ended in disappointment. ​ While working with Alissa I discovered false beliefs I had about dating and relationships why I had these beliefs. Through coaching I learned how to identify relationship myths that were holding me back and techniques for dealing with these feelings. As a result I developed a much more positive and authentic outlook on dating. ​ With this hopeful outlook, I was able to go on dates honest, vulnerable, and with a clear sense of what I was looking for in a life partner. Within a few months, I met someone who had all the important qualities I was looking for in a husband, and a year and a half later we got married. I’m so thankful I took the steps to work on myself. Had I not sought out Alissa, I likely would have remained stuck in my dating patterns. Ultimately, professional coaching led me to finding the man who is the perfect match for me.

    -Kai S.

  • I came to Alissa frustrated with how I had been doing self-development work for years, but couldn't seem to break out of the level I was in so I could finally find a supportive, non-abusive relationship. I thought all of my healing could be done by consciously and logically reasoning with myself. Alissa helped me understand that I had to stop trying to "think my way out" of my thoughts and mental blocks, and incorporate feeling my feelings into my journey. With Alissa's guidance, I was finally able to unlock my issues around self-worth that not even my long-term therapist had helped me get to the bottom of! I am now able to enter the dating world with newfound confidence that I absolutely will attract my future husband. I cannot thank her enough - what she does is inspiring.

    -Deborah S.

  • In the days before I started my coaching journey with Alissa, my life seemed mediocre. I experienced disappointing results and a lack of commitment from dating partners in my romantic life. I made the decision that I wanted change to happen, but since I realized I couldn't figure it out on my own, I reached out to Alissa. She helped me understand the patterns and behavior that I needed to change in order to attract my future partner. ​ Working with Alissa has been a true blessing. She guided me through the dating process until I found my dream man. My life is so much different and better now - my partner and I have a wonderful relationship due to strong communication and prioritizing the time we spend together. And overall, I have become a much more positive person.

    -Sarah M.

  • I started off thinking I could use my logical brain to heal my patterns of relationship that always lead to me getting hurt. Working with Alissa I became able to understand, acknowledge, and process all my deeper feelings (truths) instead of trying to stuff them down. Allowing myself to honor my feelings is how I can now heal and I look forward to being able to meet and build a relationship with an amazing partner who accepts me for exactly who I am. ​ I cannot thank you enough for helping me reconnect with my self-worth.

    — Debbie S.

  • Thank you so much. You helped me get unstuck and to feel empowered to make changes to better follow my values. And the best part - I have so much more energy for my friends and family and the things I love doing. Thank you, thank you!

    -Karin K.